Up the Chain’s tight, well-crafted Neighbor Rock songs strike the perfect balance of catchiness and substance. For years the product of Reed Kendall’s solo songwriting, the project has recently evolved into a trio. With the additions of Kirby Sybert on drums and Noah Skaroff on bass, Kendall is comfortable being the front man, using electric guitar, taking solos and a seat behind the keyboard, adding a new dynamic to the performances. The sound is crisp and charged with well measured three part harmonies, but the experience bleeds into a louder, unfettered free space with the leaner, meaner lineup.
The newcomers also bring with them fresh songwriting sensibilities that have given the new record “Windows Into Worlds” a wider scope than the previous two Up the Chain albums. During recording, Kendall opened the door for Skaroff, Sybert and producer Karl Petersen (Miley Cyrus, Usher) to add their own flavors to the tracks. Kendall’s songs are largely autobiographical, but the band’s evolution comes from his willingness to share in the creative process. The result overall is a deeper, richer sound on “Windows Into Worlds”, the most collaborative and ambitious effort yet.
Doors 9:30 | Music 10. 21 & up.