ZIG ZAG is an American "Psychedelic Hip Hop" artist who was born in Wildwood, NJ. In December of 2014, he released his sophomore mixtape titled "Darkside". This mixtape birthed the "Reloaded" music video, as well as opened the door for ZIG ZAG to truly begin performing live and traveling. To date, ZIG ZAG has performed in NJ, WV, PA, NY and MD, with talks of a Mini-Tour in 2017! ZIG ZAG is currently working on his junior mixtape which will be called "L.unar S.pace D.omicile" or "LSD" for short. It is scheduled to be released the first half of the 2017 year some time.
Food Till 9:30pm | Music 10pm | Cover $3-5 | 21 & Up