Community Center Is A Full-Time Touring Rock Band That Has Been Winning Over Diverse Audiences With Storytelling Songwriting And Bombastic Live Sets That Feature Saxophone, Accordion, Violin, Clarinet, And Tag-Team Vocals.
A One-Act Play in every song, Community Center’s show dominoes, spiraling into the crowd. The Baltimore band got it’s start in community musical theatre. We're rock band brought up on bar stories and long journeys. Over the course of a few years we've developed a vat of sound melting together eras of music including, but not limited to, Rock, Jazz, Funk, Folk and old Southern Hymns. Our music is heavily influenced by traveling. At moments we uprooted to live in a different state or country for a few months to gain a new perspective. Brian bicycled across the states coast-to-coast in the dead of winter. Danny lived on a boat for two years because one was available. We all had some great times on that boat. We brew beer, ride horses, go wandering in the middle of the night, run theatre companies, live in log cabins, go to Italy to paint, think celestially, and let nothing stand in our way. This music we write, we write because we love each other. We help one another out. Bad things happen along the way, and whenever one person feels bad there are seven other people to turn to and feel better. Music brings that out of us and we hope our music brings that out in you. We pride ourselves in wearing dozens of influences on our sleeve. If you were to ask any band member who we listen to, every one of us would give a different answer. We think this makes for an interesting end product although our inner-discussions about musical ideas can get pretty convoluted and nonsensical. All of us play multiple instruments on stage which makes for eclectic shows and a ridiculous amount of cases to pack in the van. The near-novelty amount of instruments was never meant to be a gimmick but developed from simple curiosity to keep testing out different combinations of sounds. Our house is now cluttered with more noise-makers than any band would ever need.
Check out our albums online, or better yet, come to a show!