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The Fishermen Band

Brothers Phillip and Lindsay Hough started The Fishermen Band in the late 90's, and for the last 20 years the band has toured extensively and supported some of the biggest names in music. Though they wrote in completely different styles, the Hough brothers music blended well and was always centered around vocal harmonies. During the coarse of their career, they sold out shows at LA's iconic stages, haunted SXSW venues in Austin Texas, performed at popular New York City dives, graced DCs most infamous clubs, appeared on radio and television, and played countless Colleges, Fundraisers, and Festivals in between. The band came full circle and planted a flag in DC in 2008, setting a foundation and building a new band with some of the best friends and fans on Earth. A decade later, The Fishermen Band is still performing in Washington DC.

Current members Drummer Chris Compton and Bassist Brian Waitzman helped to evolve the bands sound into a rock/funk/reggae/folk fusion, known for dramatic dynamics and upbeat dance-worthy tunes. The band has printed unique collectible CD's for every show they've played since 2004. Until 2017, outside of their hit single "Someday" and first iTunes album release "Vision", you could only get Fishermen Band music at one of their shows. Printing a unique CD per show since 2004 resulted in well over 1500 different versions of their records. Collectible discs can still be had at TFB shows in the Washington DC region, and the band plans to offer a Vinyl collection.